'The aEye', City of Melbourne Test Sites project, an interactive public artwork exhibited in the Queen Victoria Gardens.

I created two large eyes to test (2D printed on corflute & 3D in papier maché). I painted both myself and created tiny lines of code in the red veins. Both eyes had a miniature video camera embedded in the pupil.

Interacting with 'The aEye'. People could see its response to their emotions on my monitor or they could scan a QR code to see it on their phones in real time.

'The aEye' could respond to different emotions at the same time. Here's an example of the phone display via QR code.

Sucker: wood, muslin cloth, PVA, Tar paint.

Blind Deer: wood, string, coloured wool.

Conflict (jigsaw in box): photography, collage, mixed media, acrylic, digital prints, cardboard, wood box.